A new Episode from the Duotone Kitesurf team in Peru! A Cycle to a New Era features Airton, Matchu, James and Sebastian while they catch up with kiteboarding pioneers Jaime Herraiz and Martin Vari about their original vision for Kitesurfing and where the new generation plans on taking it!
Set in the Peruvian eco accommodation, the Punta Luna surf lodge of Martin Vari, developed for kiters by kiters with a perfect reeling wave right in front, the normal logistics of shooting were reduced. The main focus would be on seeing what’s possible by pushing the limits of their abilities and the Duotone gear! It also provided the crew a lot of time to discuss the past, present and future of the sport and what it means to them to be at forefront of progression and style! Don't miss this episode and don't blame us if you now can't stop thinking of booking a ticket for the dream trip to Peru, whenever that may be possible.