If you want an intensive kite holiday with lots of time on the water and an accompanying sports program, you will find everything you need in one place at KBC Dakhla. The fully equipped watersports centre is on a wide sandy beach in the north of the lagoon. Right behind it, discreetly integrated into the hilly landscape, you will find the modern hotel complex Dakhla Club Hotel & Spa with swimming pool, fitness, mountain biking, wellness, yoga, and tasteful bungalows overlooking the lagoon. Strengthened by the breakfast buffet, you can reach the centre via a footpath in two minutes and will be greeted by our friendly team. The large sun terrace with deck chairs is the centre of the school, behind it the reception, the wonderful shop and rental, and the beach bar serving delicious snacks and cool drinks. There is guest storage, as well as showers and toilets.

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If you want an intensive kite holiday with lots of time on the water and an accompanying sports program, you will find everything you need in one place at KBC Dakhla. The fully equipped water sports center is on a wide sandy beach in the north of the lagoon. The center building moved about 300m to the north in spring 2024 and now offers even more space and comfort for kitesurfing and wingfoiling guests. Access to the water has also been made even more convenient. Right behind the water sports center, discreetly integrated into the hilly landscape, you will find the tasteful and stylish hotel complex Dakhla Club Hotel & Spa with swimming pool, fitness, yoga, mountain biking, wellness and comfortable bungalows overlooking the lagoon. Strengthened by the breakfast buffet, you can reach the center via a footpath in two minutes and will be greeted by our friendly team. The large sun terrace with deck chairs is the center of the school, behind it the reception, the wonderful shop and rental, and the beach bar serving delicious snacks and cool drinks. There is guest storage, as well as showers and toilets.

Kiting Set Up

Cloudless skies, heat, sand mountains and boulders, dusty roads and gnarled, dry plants… Western Sahara is not really a place conducive to life. However, an oasis for water sports enthusiasts has developed on the edge of the desert, on a large lagoon offering perfect conditions for kiting and also wingfoiling. It is one of the largest shallow water lagoons developed for kiters and wingfoilers in the world. The water is shallow for the first 50 meters, then gently turns into deep water and stretches into a wide flat-water runway as far as the eye can see – a paradise for all those who love downwind and upwind tours to small islands, to the legendary “Speed Spot” or to the famous “White Dune” of Dakhla. Beautiful tours with guide and escort boat are offered daily. On the other side of the approximately 40km long headland, you find a fantastic wave spot that you can reach in a 30-minute tour by car. The waves are moderate and break cleanly on a sandy bottom, making them ideal for beginners in the waves, but also interesting for advanced kitesurfers.

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When is best to go?

Dakhla provides fantastic conditions all year round. The trade winds, which travel between the Canary Islands and Cape Verde over summer and winter, hit Dakhla all year round, so the wind blows constantly here for 320 days a year at around 15 to 22 knots. Coming from the northeast, the wind blows sideshore from the right and is intensified by the mountains in the backcountry, as the wind is forced through like a funnel. In the morning, the wind usually shifts a few degrees from northeast to north-northeast and then becomes more and more constant.

No wind?

In addition to kiting, KBC Dakhla offers a sporting leisure program: yoga, strength-building or relaxing yoga at sunset (daily at 18:30), relaxation by the pool, but also aqua cycling and beach volleyball by the pool, SUP paddling to the islands in Dakhla’s lagoon and mountain bike and quad tours.

Getting There

Dakhla airport is about 30km from KBC Dakhla, and can be reached from many European airports with Royal Air Maroc; usually a stopover in Casablanca is necessary. The 30-minute transfer by car is included in the hotel price and free of charge for everyone.

Kite Options

A 9 and 12m will cover most conditions, otherwise we stock all kite sizes from F-ONE to rent. You can also test all F-ONE kite equipment free of charge for 30 minutes for each model and size. You also have a huge pool of the very latest, high performance wingfoil equipment from F-ONE at your disposal.

Which Wetsuit?

With air temperatures around 20 degrees (about 5 degrees more in summer) and a pleasant 20 degrees in the water, it’s better to take a long wetsuit in your luggage or a shorty from May onwards. The coldness of the lagoon water flowing in and out of the Atlantic makes the water rather refreshing and the northeasterly wind is not the warmest either. Board shorts / bikini should be okay in July and August. Be sure to take a windbreaker and hoodies.


Normal European prices.

Typical Dinner

The hotel offers an excellent selection of international, but also Moroccan delicacies. A rich buffet awaits you with a great atmosphere.

Late Night

The team are very musical and play instruments or sing, and dance. There is live music in rotation: pop, traditional Arabic music, percussion performances and sometimes karaoke. Even those who listen to music entertainment in hotels with skepticism will like it and have fun! Don’t worry, no one has to join in, and the volume is discreet so you can still hear each other talk. A special event is New Year Eve with around 300 guests celebrating together. Each guest receives a Venetian mask for entry and we put on a lively evening with DJ’s, lighting system and fire show.

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