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In this world of ‘do it all’ kites and boards, it is always fun to test something that doesn’t pretend to be anything it is not. The Kontact is a board for riding waves, and not just any old wave – the Kontact is designed for riding ‘proper’ waves. This year it has the Light Team Construction, so it has less reinforcements and a lighter layup with the carbon beam running through the highest stress point of the board to ensure that it can handle the rigors of both strapped and strapless riding (unlike the other Light Team Construction boards the Kontact also has inserts for straps).
The Kontact has a true ‘bigger surf’ planshape, and is relatively narrow (the 6’1 is only 17¾” wide) with a slender nose and pulled in through the back third coming in to a pintail. It has a thruster set up.
On the water and the best way to describe cruising around on the Kontact is that it really just ‘glides’ around. With the smooth contour, generous rocker and new construction it cruises around very nicely indeed. When the Kontact Pro gets to where it wants to be – on a solid wave – it really comes into its own. It accelerates very quickly and the rail engages and gives you complete confidence that it can hold an edge and hold its line. When it’s time to initiate a bottom turn you need to make sure you are drawing solid, carvey lines to keep your momentum and you can then drive up the face with plenty of speed. Coming off the top and – if you have enough lick – then it will drive nicely off the lip and send you on your way to the next section.
IN A SENTENCE: The Kontact has one job in life – to help you to excel in solid surf – and it does this exceptionally well.