Duotone Neo Concept Blue

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Duotone Neo - Duotone Neo Concept Blue

The Neo is Duotone’s high performance, wave-focused kite, with a long history in the industry, countless podium wins, and even the occasional TheKiteMag cover. This year sees enhancements to the wingtip shape and construction. A larger area of Trinity TX in the wingtip region has been incorporated for a lighter kite that still remains durable, and more profile in the center and towards the tips brings enhanced low-end power and responsive steering.

The Concept Blue version that we tested has Duotone’s standard construction, so you can expect the usual great build quality throughout. But it differs from the standard Neo as it incorporates Duotone’s new sustainable concept. This means it is made from undyed fabrics which significantly reduces water usage, features a bio-based bladder which reduces the carbon footprint by 29% compared to traditional bladders, and uses recycled plastic components made from a minimum of 50% post-industrial recycled material. The kite has been adjusted to fit the new material but still maintains the same performance as the standard model.

Taking the kite out, we found it had a large wind range and even in the strongest wind we could still hold it down. The kite delivered great stability throughout different wind strengths, held its shape under strong winds with minimal deformation, and continued to respond as it should. The depower in the Neo is amazing, allowing you to really sheet out, killing the power of the kite completely when bottom turning and positioning yourself to the wave so you can line up for that perfect turn. Once riding the wave, the kite has very good drifting abilities. This is where this kite excels, the drift you experience whilst riding a wave is awesome… you’re able to park the kite and surf the wave, giving you confidence to focus fully on the wave and almost forget the kite is even there. It has a very good turning speed and pivots on its axis giving you on-demand power and agility through the turns.

Higher bar pressure gives the rider great feedback from the kite through the bar. When overpowered there was ample bar pressure, almost too much at times particularly in stronger winds when we would recommend changing down a size. Once you’re finished riding your wave and if you need to get back upwind you’ll have no problem here as the low end and the power mean that you can sheet in and truck back upwind in double-time.

Then the Neo Concept Blue has an easy and quick relaunch and decent jumping abilities, and multiple settings on the tips meant we could fine-tune the kite’s performance towards drift and quick turning speed for wave riding sessions or towards pop for strapless freestyle.

While the Neo is an all-round good kite, it is designed to be a wave kite and that is exactly what it delivers. It is a true surf kite for riders who want no compromise in the waves, and it does this incredibly well. Its ability to switch on and off on demand and its drift ability is truly impressive and ensure that it will continue battling for podiums this year…

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