Back to Brazil

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It’s Brazil time: it’s all over Facebook, everyone is there.
It’s almost starting to become old news already, but the fact is, it will always be amazing.

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I’ve just spent three months at home due to a minor knee injury and it is great to be back on the road and especially on the water!

While at home I worked a lot on my physical strength. Once you get to a certain level, the tricks and crashes ask a lot from your body. Luckily I could do something about it before getting any real bad injuries. So for the past few months I started working with a coach to make my body stronger, especially in the places where it matters most, like the knees and shoulders.

By the time I arrived in Brazil I felt more than ready to pick up my kite training again. As soon as I started, I was astonished by the speed at which I got back to my old level and now I can’t wait to stick some new big tricks.

I stopped half way through this competition season so I really can’t wait to start the 2015 season. A couple of the PKRA girls were here the first two weeks and they are landing some huge new tricks that I want to try too! Next season I will be joining the tour again and the time can’t pass by fast enough.

So I’m already a full month in Brazil and training every day! Couldn’t help but decide that I will stay another month!

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Annabel van Westerop
IG: @annabelvw

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