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Jeanne Naish2 - Jeanne joins Naish Team Europe as the second female rider

Jeanne joins Naish Team Europe as the second female rider

Naish are proud to announce Jeanne Vanderick as the newest member of Naish Team Europe.

Jeanne Vanderick - Jeanne joins Naish Team Europe as the second female rider


Jeanne is from Belgium and is 19 year old. She is currently studying in Maastricht for a bachelor in circular engineering. In 2016 her dad taught her how to kite. Since that moment she is pushing her limits every session!

“I’m honored to join this team. I think this is a golden opportunity for me. I’m very enthusiastic and I intend to make good use of it by pushing my limits and training even more”


What is your favorite kite?
Naish Pivot 8 meters.

What is your favorite kitespot?
When it’s on, Bloubergstrand in Cape Town for sure. It’s a viby spot, good kickers, strong and dense winds that makes me fly. And of course beautiful landscapes.

What is your local kitespot?
Saint-Idesbald in Belgium the club is called “The Kyc”.

What are your hobbies besides kiteboarding?
I’m an active person so any physical activity that makes me feel I did sports is fine for me. I also love traveling and doing any kind of extreme things that gives me that adrenaline. Shredding the snow in the winter is also something I really enjoy.

What is your favorite trick?
The most sensational trick I did so far was the late backroll, I’m still working on the landing though.

Which rider do you look up to?
Good question, the level is insanely good these days. I am pretty inspired and impressed by a good friend of mine, Francesca Maini, who just did the first double loop as a woman.

Jeanne Naish 1128x754 - Jeanne joins Naish Team Europe as the second female rider

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