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Ride Engine Hyperlock: 1 V 2

Did you read our interview with Ride Engine about their new innovative Hyperlock? It works with their Elite Carbon Type 1 and Elite Type 2 harnesses. But how would you choose between the two different harnesses? Well, read on…

The Elite Series harnesses incorporate advanced, scientifically designed technology, including the Step-2 shell with a biometric design that delivers unparalleled comfort, support, and stability—unlike anything previously seen in a wind sport harness. Additionally, the HyperLock spreader bar system redefines harness closure and power source connection, setting a new benchmark in harness design and performance.

So, what are the differences?

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The Elite Carbon Type 1 HyperLock harness is engineered with a multi-layer 12K carbon Step-2 hard shell, delivering unmatched stiffness across vertical, horizontal, and torsional twisting axes delivering unrivaled support and performance. Designed for maximum support, this harness provides a locked-in feel unlike anything else in a wind sports harness.

Who is the Elite Carbon Type 1 for?  
  • Riders seeking the most secure harness-to-body connection.
  • Those who want maximum responsiveness between the kite and rider.
  • Kiteboarders who thrive in overpowered conditions.
  • Big Air enthusiasts who demand superior support while hanging off the hook.
The Elite Type 2 HyperLock harness is built with a composite fiberglass Step-2 hard shell, offering a balance of support and flexibility. With maximum stiffness on the vertical axis with mid-flex on the horizontal and torsional axes the Elite Type 2 gives adaptive support and a suspension like feel. Designed for hard shell lumbar support with a forgiving flex.
Who is the Elite Type 2 for?
  • Riders seeking hard shell support with greater freedom of movement.
  • Those navigating heavy chop or “bump and jump” conditions where suspension-like comfort is beneficial.
  • Technical freestyle, hydrofoil, and aggressive surf kiteboarders who require flexibility for maneuvers.
  • Kiteboarders who prefer a more adaptive harness over an ultra-stiff hard shell.
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1 shell, 2 different stiffnesses

Read more and discover the hyperlock over at RIDE ENGINE

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