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Eleveight XS V4

Eleveight release their new Big Air beast, the XS V4…

Smashing new boundaries for height and hangtime, the new XS is now faster and more precise allowing you to boost even higher.

Created for the needs of demanding adrenalin junkies, the XS is as grunty as it gets, delivering raw power to the most extreme radical moves.


  • Explosive lift and extra-long hangtime
  • Stable even in serious Big Air boosts
  • Massive grunt for the highest jumps in any condition
  • Bombproof construction for ultra-durability
  • Rapid yet controllable flight characteristics with direct feedback


  • Increased wingtip area for faster and more precise turns
  • New panel cuts in the canopy distribute force more efficiently
  • Smaller LE bridle deflectors
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Design Notes

The sophisticated delta hybrid design has a high aspect ratio that gives an increased angle of attack to balance power with ease of handling. Its explosive lift is met with bombproof construction for adrenaline junkies wanting to hit full send.

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For V4 we optimised the load distribution further for stability and endurance, even over time. Efficiency and hangtime are enhanced by a flattened arc making the XS intuitive to steer and extremely responsive. The direct turning and bar feedback allows for perfect timing, ready to take off and be rocketed to the moon.

A must-have kite for radical riders, the new XS is the ultimate Big Air weapon!


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