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Eleveight launch the new XS Pro Big Air weapon

A new, highly focused Big Air weapon arrives, courtesy of Eleveight

The XS Pro – Our new generation Big Air weapon

Created for the needs of adrenalin junkies that demand the highest performance, the XS Pro is the ultimate Big Air weapon. Using cutting-edge materials, the XS Pro is even faster and more precise for height and hangtime that aims for the moon.

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The XS Pro features the lightest state-of-the-art construction available and is a must-have kite for radical riders. The combination of latest generation Aluula in the leading edge, together with Teijin’s XT Light fabric enables a smaller leading edge diameter and therefore the kite is much lighter in weight. The XT Light material is optimum for the struts as it also allows them to twist better and turn much faster for the maximum loop speed.

The stiff and ultra-direct characteristics are favoured by those who want to be catapulted with forward momentum in powerful megaloops. Superior in its flight characteristics and more durable, the XS Pro offers top-level longevity and performance for serious Big Air addicts.

“The XS Pro is a big step forward in the development of the XS. In addition to the new Aluula construction which gives lightness, the shape has also changed which brings a better feeling of control. Like the original XS, the power and the hangtime is always present, but the XS Pro really stands out as the next-level weapon for big air.” – Arthur Guillebert, Former World Champion

Sizes: 07 / 08 / 09 / 10 / 12

Find out more here.

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