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Tell Me About It: CORE Era LW

Last year CORE brought out a brand-new, more sustainable twintip, the Era, designed for freeriding. They have now released a light-wind version to get you out even in the puffiest of breezes.


Where did last’s year Era fit into your range of twintips and how has it been received by your customers?

The Era was introduced to complement our twintip range of high-performance boards – Fusion (Freeride/Big Air), Choice (Freestyle/Big Air) and Bolt (Wakestyle) – and was exceptionally well received in its first year. It delivers the same top-tier freeriding performance and signature CORE quality while featuring a distinct construction that allows for a more accessible price point. With progress at its core, the Era is aimed at a broader target group and suitable for all riding levels.

And does the LW version have the same sustainability credentials?

Yes correct. It is made from the same fabric, derived from basalt – a natural volcanic effusion. Similar to glass fibers, basalt can be processed at high temperatures into continuous textile fibers, offering superior tensile strength, compressive strength, and stiffness. The result is outstanding cushioning and explosive bounce potential. This means that riders will experience a smoother and more comfortable ride. Plus, producing basalt fibers requires much less energy and generates significantly lower CO2 emissions than glass or carbon fibers. When combined with Greenpoxy® resin – made with 35% plant-based content – the Era has a much smaller environmental footprint than traditional twintips.

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How is the Era LW so suitable for light wind?

With our extensive expertise in light-wind products, we set out to combine exceptional light-wind performance with maximum fun. This resulted in two light-wind boards that feel like smaller, more agile versions of themselves. The flex has been perfectly tuned to the basalt construction using a continuous concave, while a multi-channel design and voluminous keel provide precise feedback and playful control.

Talk us through the two sizes you’re releasing and the differences between them.

We call the smaller Era LW in 154 x 46 cm the “Agile Performer” as it combines outstanding light-wind characteristics with impressive agility. The parabolic outline with a minimal radius in the center of the board provides superior edge control and is outstanding upwind – perfect for kiters who want to have more stability and control in light-wind conditions, or heavier riders who want to freestyle in low winds. In combination with a 12m XR8, everyone can jump quite high even in super light  conditions.

The bigger Era LW in 159 x 47 cm is our “Sovereign Cruiser”. It is for those who want to be the first on the water. The concave light-wind outline, balanced flex characteristics and angular box rails allow the board to glide deeper and flatter in the water, maximizing upwind potential. Wider tips guarantee early planing and reliable passage in wind holes. The 159 offers extreme edge control and offers you confident riding fun for a long time until the wind dies down completely.

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Who was involved in testing the boards?

Having an extremely wide target group we included a lot of types of riders in the testing – the usual R&D team, average and pro riders, but also kite instructors and beginners.

Any hints for what is coming next from CORE HQ?!

As you’ve come to expect from CORE, launch season is right around the corner! We’ve been hard at work over the past few months, and you can be sure we have a lineup of exciting new products – and a few surprises – coming your way. Stay tuned!

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