I am in Tarifa partly for the Full Power competition and also because the Netherlands isn’t very windy over summer. Tarifa is also centrally located for me and close to France for the Lords of Tram event. But perhaps most importantly Tarifa is the kite mecca where everyone gathers to train. We can kite, chill and spend time with friends from all over the world. It’s a tight-knit family with a lot of craziness and unique personalities. Everyone knows each other and supports each other, especially during competitions. It’s not an issue competing against friends. We’re all good friends, though in competition you just want to beat each other. But it’s very respectful, you’ll notice if someone crashes, the other will hand back their lost board. We really don’t have any drama. It’s also great to hang out with other kiters who are inspiring. Giel Vlugt for instance, started kiting at 24 but has achieved a lot – he shows that age doesn’t matter – it’s all about your mindset and effort. I see all these young kids coming up, but if I want to do well and I go for it, I’ll still make it. It doesn’t matter how old you are, it’s all in your head. If you train harder and ride more hours, you can make it.
My next challenge is to do well at the Red Bull competitions in Europe and South Africa and I would love to get more sponsors. This year, I also want to focus more on self-marketing alongside competitions. It is important to market yourself as an athlete. There are athletes who make money without ever having reached a podium. Being creative and daring to seize opportunities is crucial. There are many possibilities in kiting where you can make money or be valuable through arranging photoshoots and promoting products. So keep an eye out for my coming projects. And long-term, well let’s see…