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Hail Mary

Photos from Spanish photographer Samuel Cardenas will often be found adorning the pages of TheKiteMag, and when he sent us some unique shots of Sergio Turégano in Tarifa we knew we had to run one as our next cover. Sergio tells us about the story and inspiration behind the money shot…


Colin Colin Carroll’s Love Letters to Kiteboarding

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Tom Bridge
Colin had a break last issue; we thought this might give him time to propagate a literary spectacular, perhaps challenging our very comprehension of the sport as it exists. Instead, we’ve ended up with a slightly dribbly list, which reeks of over intimacy with Exmouth’s enigmatic, but on paper, fourth favorite son. Tom probably doesn’t approve or isn’t even aware of this little exposé, but we’re banking on him not adhering to traditional forms of media, and being too busy at the skatepark to sue us for defamation. We therefore indulge Colin to paint a deeper picture (I daresay almost a life drawing) of the be-helmeted freestyle crusader.


The Mission: Carpe Diem

Xavier Kain helped organize the Full Power Tarifa, Big Air Kite League event last year, and by all accounts also put in an insane performance in the competition. He currently calls Tarifa home and is lucky enough to hit the water there whenever conditions are best. From the look of these photos, all that time on the water has evidently paid off…


The Mission: Unchartered Territory

Not far off the coast of Western Australia lie the Houtman Abrolhos Islands, 122 islands clustered into three main groups – Wallabi, Easter and Pelsaert. More than 60 ships have been lost in the notoriously treacherous waters of the archipelago, but Gabi Steindl braved the trip out there and scored some sessions in an isolated place that very few kiters have ever ventured to…


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