I’m On It: Jeremy Burlando
Slingshot’s Code NXT is a proven Big Air podium winner. Who better to tell us all about it than current GKA Big Air World Champion Jeremy Burlando?
Photos Al Garr
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Slingshot’s Code NXT is a proven Big Air podium winner. Who better to tell us all about it than current GKA Big Air World Champion Jeremy Burlando?
Photos Al Garr
I have been riding the Code NXT for two and a half years, since the first prototype, and been competing with it even before its launch. I competed on previous versions at Full Power Tarifa in 2023 and also the 2023 Red Bull King of the Air where I ended up in third place, and then I won the GKA world championship title in 2024 with this kite. It has truly been tested to win a world championship!
I love the confidence I get while riding the Code NXT in different winds – in light wind, with its lift, I still manage to jump high, and as the stronger winds build up the kite just gets better, the control improves and it’s so easy to perform new school Big Air tricks with ease. Of course the hangtime and lift combination is perfect to do all my tricks without even thinking if I might not have enough time or height to perform my tricks.
In order to adapt to the new school Big Air requirements, the integration of Aluula in the leading edge and frame connection to the canopy was crucial, and is the main factor for its outstanding performance. The kite’s shape also has a big influence in the way it turns and lifts – by having a three-strut platform on the kite it enables it to turn as fast as possible without compromising lift or any hangtime.
I’ve been loving my recent sessions in El Médano. Lately I’ve been riding the 12 and 14m in light wind and I can say it makes a big difference in light wind too. You can still get the height for board-offs and hangtime. It’s perfect to train tricks in more forgiving conditions and to then transfer them to stronger wind.
Slingshot kite designer Adi Conrad and I have partnered our brains for some years already with the goal to create kites like the Code NXT. We wanted to bring something fresh to the kite industry since the beginning. Adi, Slingshot and I make a great team when it comes to creating outstanding and different-by-design gear.
I also ride the Code V2 sometimes and have been involved in the process of developing that too. I especially like the 9 and 12m sizes as they transfer a smoother feedback on the bar, so they are great for sessions where I like to take it easy and just explore some new spots, and they are great for waveriding too.
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