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I’M ON IT: Harlem Thrive

Harlem Kitesurfing was thrilled to welcome five-time World Champion Aaron Hadlow as well as designer Ralf Groesel to their family recently. We hear from Aaron about the Thrive kite that he and Ralf have been working on, which Harlem have just released.

Photos Aris Giannoukos

The Thrive is aimed at being the best all-rounder on the market. In my opinion it is the most commercial kite ever made but at the same time has performance that can be unlocked at the highest level. This comes because of the confidence the kite gives you. It is very intuitive, comfortable in harsh conditions and reliable. I believe anyone at any level has the chance to push their ability on this kite.

This is only the beginning for Harlem Kitesurfing. At the moment the Force is a more technical kite, known for its incredible looping ability and smooth turning. The Thrive is the all-rounder for all abilities, it is a three-strut Ralf Groesel design, a concept that is already proven on the market.

I have been working with Ralf for 10 years now, and our thoughts on the design and placement for all models align. The design brief for the Thrive was simple: create the best price-to-performance kite on the market. This means having a refined kite that performs effortlessly at all levels. Having confidence in the kite is key and that even allows me to push my limits.

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The Thrive is direct and responsive whilst keeping relatively light steering and sheeting pressure. It has a large wind range and the upwind ability is probably one of the stand out features – this also contributes to more vertical takeoff and soft reliable downloops. I would say overall it has a sporty feeling but at the same time a dampening feeling in harsh conditions.

This is all achieved by the construction and material combinations that are used in the Thrive. It is one of the lightest kites on the market despite using Dacron (industry standard) for the leading edge. The PROWELD technology (welded leading edge/no stitching) allows for a much more rigid structure allowing for a thinner leading edge diameter and responsive turning. The Dacron material is very forgiving so that helps with ‘ease of use’ especially in gusty conditions.

The canopy material is one of the stand out materials; it’s Porcher’s Twin Cross Flylite Canopy and you really notice the difference to traditional kites. It is stiffer and more ‘crispy’ and you will hear this as soon as you pump it up. When you sheet in and power up, the Thrive almost snaps into position – this in combination with the thinner leading edge allows for great upwind ability. These features are what also gives the higher-end performance levels for vertical take offs and super soft downloops as it sits further into the wind window, both when riding along and during takeoff and jumping.

There are many more features that combine to make the Thrive what it is but I think this is enough for now. You will just have to check it out!

I haven’t had much time and I didn’t even ride a Harlem kite or prototype before signing with them. I just totally believed in the project and after working with Ralf for so long I didn’t have one doubt about the product. The first time I jumped on the kite I was automatically in tune – of course the kite is from his design philosophy and I have been riding his three-strut designs full time for over two years and tested them for even longer, so we have a huge understanding of this product and how to get the best out of it.

The Thrive represents Ralf’s 20 years of experience, not only the design work but the production techniques and industry knowledge. I believe his designs at his Brainchild Production will set a new standard, that’s a big part of why I joined Harlem.

Everything has been quite intense since joining the team, I have been super busy and working hard. Now that I am settling in, have been working on plenty of content and have spent time with the team, things are falling into place. First up I will be working on expanding the product line and prototyping further as well as working on some new board designs.

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The equipment really drives me. We believe in a complete package. The board has to align with the kite and the bar to get the ultimate performance out of your gear. I hope in the quest for producing the best gear on the market that will also give me a competitive advantage and also help break through the jump height record.

I will still be competing this year, I plan to attend the big events providing I can qualify. The level is so high and you need 100% commitment. I am balancing many things at once especially now joining Harlem. I have a lot of exciting projects which also take time, as well as personal life. I will try my best and see what happens. I have said for a few years now this is probably my last, but I keep coming back for more. There is no feeling like it, it is hard to stop!

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